Render - définition. Qu'est-ce que Render
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Render - définition

Rendering; Rendered; Renderer; Render (disambiguation)

v. a.
Return, restore, pay back.
Give, assign, present.
Furnish, contribute, supply, afford.
Make, cause to be.
Translate, construe, interpret, set forth.
¦ verb
1. provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
submit for inspection, consideration, or payment.
literary hand over; surrender.
2. cause to be or become: the rains rendered his escape impossible.
3. represent or depict artistically.
perform (a piece of music).
4. melt down (fat) in order to clarify it.
process (the carcass of an animal) in order to extract proteins, fats, and other usable parts.
5. cover (stone or brick) with a coat of plaster.
6. Computing process (an image) in order to make it appear solid and three-dimensional.
¦ noun a first coat of plaster applied to a brick or stone surface.
renderer noun
ME: from OFr. rendre, from an alt. of L. reddere 'give back'.
(renders, rendering, rendered)
You can use render with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it harmless.
It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
= make
VERB: V n adj
If you render someone help or service, you help them. (FORMAL)
He had a chance to render some service to his country...
Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated...
VERB: V n to n, V n n
To render something in a particular language or in a particular way means to translate it into that language or in that way. (FORMAL)
All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.
VERB: V n as/in/into n



Render, rendered, or rendering may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour Render
1. does this render vulnerable?
Good Christian Sex _ Bromleigh McCleneghan _ Talks at Google
2. We render it out.
State Bird Provisions _ Stuart Brioza & Nicole Krasinski _ Talks at Google
3. or render you unconscious.
4. and then render it.
UCLA Glass Storytelling Grace Plains _ Jeff Burke _ Talks at Google
5. Something didn't render.
Release Engineering Keynote _ Chuck Rossi _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Render
1. He pledged to render full assistance to the team.
2. In the meantime, events could render it irrelevant.
3. We should understand that they can render no help whatsoever.
4. That would, of course, render that question meaningless."
5. "I‘m not here to render legal advice to your committee.